The topic on the use or requirement of sleeves for through penetration firestop systems is a common ...
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You may have heard the phrase “There is more than one way to crack an egg”. It is true that essentia...
Maintaining Fire and Smoke Seals within the structured cabling pathway is an ongoing challenge, jugg...
New Digital Badges Help Individuals Verify and Share Educational Achievements
Specified Technologies Inc (STI) Now Offers Credly Digital Badges for Completion of Continuing Educa...
The requirements for firestopping are driven by the model building codes. The specific language with...
Location, location, location!
One of the more esoteric aspects of fire testing must be the hose stream requirements. Anyone who ha...
The Coronavirus pandemic may eventually cost the trade show and event industry billions, if not tril...
Customer-driven design has long been a hallmark of our approach at STI. I was explaining this to mem...