In this issue:
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Modern Advances in Firestop Technology – New Generation Products Provide Flexibility and Compliance
Firestopping is a fairly well defined process these days. The average contractor is aware of the nee...
In this issue:
F-A-1179 – Based on field requests for equal F and T Ratings with toilet flanges this new system was...
2.5 Minutes To Stop A Fire – How SpecSeal® Patented Two-Stage Technology Expands The Margin Of Safety For Protecting Plastic Pipes
Two and a half minutes is often the difference between passing a fire test and failing one. In these...
In this issue:
In this issue: Introducing E-Wrap®Endothermic Wrap Firestop Maintenance Compliance Through the Barri...
MBD100 Marine Busbar Device: The New A-Class Transit for Schneider Canalis Busbar Assemblies
Busbar systems are often used on board big cruise ships to distribute electrical power to public spa...
STI Marine Firestop’s Online Fire Protection Training Program features curriculum that targets shipy...
In the event of a fire during construction or repair of the ship, a temporary passive firestop solut...