A common source of confusion in regards to firetopping requirements is understanding the seemingly s...
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Building owners and occupants often take fire safety for granted. They assume that buildings are con...
Mention the term “engineering judgment” and you will elicit a variety of different responses. I was ...
In this issue: STI Unveils New Back Pan Retrofit System A look at the UL Guide Information Meet the ...
A Look at the UL Guide Information for Through-Penetration Firestop Systems
We all know UL systems are very specific in calling out the requirements that must be met in order t...
In this issue:
Lessons in Fire Barrier Management for Life Safety Compliance in Healthcare Organizations
Spending over 35 years as a Fire Marshal for a major healthcare organization, I have witnessed many ...
Do firestop sealants shrink? This is a question that has been bandied about at various industry meet...
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