Entrepreneurship is part of the American Dream. But even in a stable economy, most start-ups don’t s...
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In this issue:
Figure 1
We all rely on signs to help us navigate in unfamiliar surroundings. Anyone disembarking from an air...
Firestop Clash Management, a plugin for Autodesk Revit®, now includes the ability to identify and as...
Any type of building, no matter the industry, achieves the most success when collaboration is maximi...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare facilities to become even more resourceful. Facilities a...
When it comes to versatility and firestopping, many thoughts come to mind. The ubiquitous red caulk ...
Comparison of Wet & Dry Thicknesses for STI Coatings
Third-party tested and listed designs (e.g. UL Systems) specify wet and dry film thicknesses for app...
STI Firestop Expands Architectural Design BIM Resources with BIMsmith Partnership
Specified Technologies Inc., an industry leader in developing innovative firestopping systems that h...