Firestop Solutions For Industrial & Utility
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Industrial Grade Firestopping Solutions
Firestopping challenges in the power generation and industrial environment require the performance and expertise that only STI products and people can provide. Unique requirements such as radiation exposure, electromagnetic interference, blast resistance, caustic and combustible vapor containment, and cradle to grave traceability on top of sector specific regulatory requirements are just the beginning when providing penetration seals in the industrial setting.
Chemical Resistance & Watertightness
Chemical resistance is a key consideration in the industrial and utility environment. We can recommend products, such as our SpecSeal® SIL300 Silicone Sealant, that are tested to a variety of different chemical exposures.
Watertightness can be a great concern when working in exterior applications or underground where services enter into manufacturing or processing areas. SpecSeal® SIL300 and SIL300 SL have extensive W Rating tests on their own and in conjunction with other SpecSeal® Products, according to ANSI/UL® 1479, to provide the required level of protection on your next industrial or utility project.
SIL Silicone Firestop Sealant
SpecSeal SIL300 Silicone Sealant is a high performance silicone firestop sealant tested to resist the passage of smoke, flame and water through construction joints and through-penetrations. SIL300 Sealant cures to form a flexible seal and carries a Class 1 W Rating for water resistance (Per ANSI/UL1479).
Watch More VideosCable tray and large power cables are commonplace in industrial and utility environments. From open-ladder to solid-backed to center-hung and even wire basket, we have complete system coverage for common cable tray configurations. Systems have been developed for even complex openings with multiple cable trays. We have a complete line of tested and listed firestopping systems for large cable trays and power cables up to 1000 kcmil, which you can find in the below product list.
- Plastic pipe solutions for polymeric process piping can be important in industrial environments, including chemical processing, laboratories, and acid waste. Our powerful line of intumescent materials includes wrap strips, collars, and sealants. They are tested and certified for use with PP, HDPE, FRPP, PVDF, FRP, PVC, CPVC, and other types of plastic piping—including double containment piping and high-purity water.
Movement for steam lines and high-energy piping can be a concern. We’ve successfully developed systems and testing that can accommodate such conditions.
Circuit integrity protective wrap systems, tested according to ASTM E1725, are available to provide hourly fire resistance ratings to conduits and cable tray using E-Wrap™ Endothermic Wrap.
Cable tray protection should be considered for cable spreading rooms, substations, control rooms, and other high-density cable areas. Our SpecSeal® CS105 Cable Spray can be used to provide an economical and effective way to limit flame propagation in such conditions—view the product sheet below!
Tools & Resources
We’ve curated an extensive collection of tools and resources tailored to meet the specific needs of professionals in the industry. Our assortment focuses on functional tools and references for Firestop solutions, providing professionals with the knowledge, guidance, and tools necessary to ensure safety, compliance, and precision in their projects, ultimately enhancing the integrity of their construction work.
- Guided search for finding the right firestop system for your condition and building Firestop Submittals for submission to your AHJ
- Find firestop systems on your phone, tablet, or the web
- Streamlined firestop system submittal package
- Integrate user documents, company logos, and Engineering Judgements
Automatically find firestop systems from within AutoDesk® Revit®
Track fire life safety systems on your project via your tablet, phone, or web browser.
Find any and all LEED Credits associated with our firestop products in one place
See how EZ-Path is the best return on investment cable pathway solution on the market
Determine how many EZ-Path Fire-rated Pathways you need based on cable size and count
These powerful tools guarantee the right systems are selected for the fastest and most cost-effective installation for all your projects.

E-Wrap Endothermic Wrap
E-Wrap Endothermic Wrap is a protective wrap designed for fire protection of critical circuits and infrastructure such as fire pumps, signaling equipment, elevators, alarms, process control equipment, emergency responder communications enhancement systems (ERCES) as well as fuel oil piping.
E-Wrap® Endothermic Wrap
E-Wrap® Endothermic Wrap is a protective wrap designed for fire protection ofcritical circuits and infrastructure such as fire pumps, signaling equipment, elevators,alarms, process control equipment, or emergency responder communicationsenhancement systems (ERCES). E-Wrap is also used for fuel oil pipe protection.
SpecSeal® SSS Intumescent Sealant
SpecSeal® SSS Sealant is a latex based, high solids firestop compound.This material, when properly installed, will effectively seal penetrationopenings against the spread of fire, smoke, hot gasses and water.

SIL Silicone Firestop Sealant Wall Installation
SpecSeal SIL300 Silicone Sealant is a high performance silicone firestop sealant tested to resist the passage of smoke, flame and water through construction joints and through-penetrations.