Guide Specifications
Guide Specifications are products or solutions for common Firestop issues. Easily editable Word format for use in the creation of project specifications. Each Guide Spec includes only language and firestop products relevant to that division and can be used as is or as additional language to include in an existing specification.
GuideSpec - Division 7 - Through-Penetration
GuideSpec - Division 7 - Perimeter Firestopping
GuideSpec - Division 7 - Joint Systems
GuideSpec - Division 7 - General Firestopping
GuideSpec - Division 7 - General Firestopping for Canada
GuideSpec - Division 22 - Firestopping for Plumbing
GuideSpec - Division 23 - Firestopping for HVAC
GuideSpec - Division 26 - Firestopping for Electrical Systems
GuideSpec - Division 27 - Firestopping for Telecommunications
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Our team of Engineers are standing by to assist with Engineering Judgements, Clarification letters, and general firestop technical support.
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Specification Review Services
Did you know that many specifications for firestopping reference older fire test standards or obsolete products? Let our firestop experts assist by reviewing your firestop specifications and making appropriate recommendations.STI provides this service free of charge.