Fireblocking & Draftstopping
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Acoustical ratings
When it comes to dwelling units, acoustics matter. The IBC even has specific provisions for maintaining STC Ratings in these occupancies. Our products and systems are evaluated for acoustical performance to help maintain acoustical ratings.
Code excerpt from the International Residential Code (IRC) 2015 Section AK102.1: Penetrations or openings in construction assemblies for piping; electrical devices; recessed cabinets; bathtubs; soffits; or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, insulated or otherwise treated to maintain the required ratings.
SMOKEBLOCK® Caulk is a non-combustible gun grade sealer for fireblocking and draft stopping in wood frame walls and floors. SMOKEBLOCK® is designed for filling annular spaces around penetrants and along seams throughout the building envelope and is suitable for use in one or two family dwellings. Not Suitable for Use in Fire-Rated Construction.
SMOKEBLOCK® Fireblocking Foam installs in seconds filling voids and annular spaces around penetrants preventing the spread of smoke and hot gasses. SMOKEBLOCK® Fireblocking Foam can be applied in both vertical and horizontal applications and is suitable to use in one and two family dwellings. Not Suitable for Use in Fire-Rated Construction.
Related Tools & Resources

Guided search for finding the right firestop system for your condition and building Firestop Submittals for submission to your AHJ
The terms firestop and fireblock are very similar sounding, but there are critical differences between these two practices. Here are the major differences
Wood frame remains a very popular method of construction. Both cost-effectiveand sustainable, wood frame structures for residential multi-family, dormitories,senior housing, and more are prevalent.
The Firestop University gives you access to all of STI’s learning material and product tutorials.
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